A Memoir
... of courage, forgiveness, and intention.
"Rootlines is a remarkable memoir. It touches profoundly on life realities that all can relate to: family emotional healing, a life-threatening health issue and the author herself wrapping her life throughout....
— JoAnn Loulan, author of Lesbian Passion: Loving Ourselves and Each Other

A remarkable story of hope and determination passionately recounted.... See review.
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Let Me Introduce You - Laughing Dog, My Blog
I share my discoveries of happiness and peace as the natural condition of my being. I discuss my insights and questions on the path of inquiry. I explore ways to understand difficult emotions such as isolation, depression, anxiety, jealousy, or grief. Read More

Welcome to my website! I write about the healing and uplifting impact of connecting with one’s rich, inner world.
Besides being a truth seeker, I am a mother, sister, student of Yoga and Zen, and an aspiring Muay Thai kickboxer. I’ve been sober since I was 32 when I embraced the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous about 38 years ago. I’ve been out as a lesbian since my mid-twenties, and due to the blessing of gay marriage, I am now the wife of Jill Anne Devine.
In recent years, when my older sister had to confront a deadly cancer, I turned inward for courage, and began to understand that the inner world is real. Whatever it is in there that is aware, it’s not nothing: It’s being. It’s me. It’s you.